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"CO2 footprint: 4.16 kg CO2e/kg profile (independently verified; Scope 1, 2, 3)
This order causes xxx kg of CO2e emissions (Cradle to Gate A1 - A3). "

With our Carbon Footprint Calculator we can calculate the particular footprint for your profile. Whether mill finished, anodized or machined, in Hydro REDUXA, standard material or recycled material.

It is important that these emissions include all emissions, i.e. Scope 1, 2 and 3. These are not only direct emissions, but also all indirect emissions, for example from the consumption of purchased energy or the production of purchased goods or logistics.

The entire value chain is considered, from the bauxite mine to the electrolysis, the casting of the extrusion billets and the transport. It also covers all material flows in the extrusion plant and the associated processing stages up to the factory gate, ie until the goods leave the press plant towards the customer (= cradle-to-gate).

Taking responsibility and creating transparency

Together with us, you can make the entire value chain of your products more sustainable. We create transparency and prove this with data from our life cycle analysis, which we communicate openly.

Because there is no room for greenwashing!

Why is Hydro Nenzing working on the topic of life cycle analysis?

In 2012, the Nenzing site was one of the first extrusion plants ever to issue a third-party verified ecological footprint of the profiles produced (EPD/Environmental Product Declaration) and was thus able to provide individual and validated information.

We want to continue our sustainability journey and provide our customers with precise and individual information on the CO2 emissions of their products.
We enable you to:

  • make your own calculations
  • be able to provide the required data for tenders
  • switch to more sustainable products

Carbon footprint.jpg

Primary material is the key factor for emissions

The main influencing factor of an extruded aluminum profile is the choice of raw material. It is therefore worth taking a close look at the origin of the aluminum and choosing a more climate-friendly primary material. In addition to the green aluminum, the plant in Nenzing can score points through the use of renewable energies at the site and the continuous improvement of internal processes and procedures and thus offer products that have been manufactured with the lowest possible emissions.

The profiles produced at Hydro Nenzing have been proven to have a much lower environmental footprint than the market average (gate-to-gate). In fact, regarding the extrusion process, the factory is only 0.096 kg CO2e/kg profile compared to 0.68 kg CO2e/kg (EAA average).

Grafik zur CO2-Emissionen Primärmetall und Extrudieren

Comparison of emissions depending on the raw material

Grafik zu CO2-Emissionen für extrudiertes Profil

Grafik CO2e-Emissionen für extrudiertes Profil

Potential savings when choosing Hydro REDUXA

The choice of the raw material can already save huge amounts of emissions. For example, if 100 tons of primary aluminum are replaced by 100 tons of Hydro REDUXA, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by as much as 460 tons**.

When compared with aluminum from China, which is largely produced with energy generated from coal, the savings potential is particularly drastic.

Grafik für Einsparungen an CO2-Emissionen * The values given are externally verified and derive from EPDs (Hydro), European Aluminum or the World Aluminum Institute.
** compared to the average of primary aluminum consumed in the EU

Here you can find more information about our greener material Hydro REDUXA and Hydro EcoDesign.

All graphics can be found here as a download:

CO2e values only apply to own production at the Nenzing site and are based on 2019 data.
Data collection in the context of a life cycle assessment/life cycle analysis by independent third parties in accordance with ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and EN 15804+A1.
Calculation on basis of the "avoided-burden approach".

Our sustainability experts will be happy to answer any detailed questions you may have.