CIRCAL is one of Hydro’s greener aluminium brands with minimum 75 percent recycled post-consumer scrap and a certified carbon footprint below 2.3 kg CO2 per kg aluminium.
Since it was first introduced, Hydro’s business area Extruded Solutions, which supplies facades and building solutions to the building and construction industry, has gone all-in on selling these greener aluminium brands.
Hydro recently passed a milestone of 40 building projects using CIRCAL facades. That is about 2,300 tonnes of greener aluminium, with big and small projects of up to 400 tonnes. An example is Økern Portal, one of Norway’s largest development projects, which uses about 300 tonnes of CIRCAL aluminium in its facades.
“The volumes are still small in the big picture of the global aluminium market, but this is currently one of Hydro’s fastest-growing segments. By the end of 2020, all of Building Systems’ products and solutions in Europe will be available in CIRCAL and REDUXA, and we expect demand for low-carbon aluminium to grow in the years to come,” says Hogna.
REDUXA is Hydro’s series of low-carbon primary aluminium. It has a maximum carbon footprint of 4.0 kg CO2 per kg aluminium produced. One-fourth of the global average.
Production ramp-up in 2020
This year, Hydro will ramp up production of CIRCAL by increasing annual capacity to 25,000 tonnes with an upgrade and expansion of the Azuqueca recycling plant in Spain.
Hydro is the first aluminium producer supplying prime quality end-of-life recycled aluminium with a certified content of more than 75 percent recycled post-consumer scrap. The production process is fully traceable, and the product is certified by an independent third party (DNV GL).
The European Commission’s sustainability targets require all new buildings to operate at net zero carbon emissions by 2030 – and all buildings by 2050. Hydro’s CIRCAL 75R is enabling builders and architects to meet the most demanding sustainability targets.
À propos d'Hydro CIRCAL : Hydro CIRCAL est une gamme de produits fabriqués avec des déchets post-consommation recyclés. En utilisant du contenu recyclé, nous réduisons considérablement la consommation d'énergie tout en étant en mesure d'offrir des produits de haute qualité. Le pourcentage de déchets changera en fonction des spécifications du client, mais nous pouvons toujours garantir une empreinte CO2 inférieure à 2,3 kg de CO2 par 1 kg d'aluminium produit.
À propos d’Hydro REDUXA : Hydro REDUXA est notre série d'aluminium certifié à faible teneur en carbone. Il est fabriqué avec des énergies renouvelables, ce qui se traduit par une empreinte carbone maximale de 4,0 kg de CO2 par kg d'aluminium, soit un quart de la moyenne mondiale. On obtient un aluminium avec l’une des teneurs en carbone les plus faibles au monde à ce jour.
Publié: janvier 13, 2020