“We are currently piloting this innovative solution at our Høyanger plant. Following this verification, we aspire to apply this approach across our Norwegian smelters – with an initial ambition of adding 10 percent to our total primary production in Norway through post-consumer scrap,” says Head of Primary Production in Hydro Aluminium Ola Sæter.
“This would enable us to offer our most climate-conscious customers a new and improved alternative in their sustainability efforts,” Sæter says.
Low-carbon, circular aluminium
Since Hydro’s aluminium production in Norway is entirely based on renewable power, its average CO2 emissions are already only 25 percent of the global average and available to customers as Hydro REDUXA certified low-carbon primary aluminium. The introduction of post-consumer scrap in the production process of primary aluminium would improve its climate performance even further.
“In Norway we do have the competence, skills and deep technological understanding necessary to be a leader within our global industry, driving the development of circular solutions for the circular economy and combining profitability and sustainability,” says Sæter.
Hydro produces primary aluminium based on renewable power at five plants in Norway, representing an annual capacity of around 1.2 million tonnes of value-added products of Hydro’s total primary production globally of just above 2 million tonnes per year. From Hydro’s network of recyclers, Hydro already produces Hydro CIRCAL with a guaranteed content of at least 75 percent recycled, post-consumer aluminium scrap.
À propos d'Hydro CIRCAL : Hydro CIRCAL est une gamme de produits fabriqués avec des déchets post-consommation recyclés. En utilisant du contenu recyclé, nous réduisons considérablement la consommation d'énergie tout en étant en mesure d'offrir des produits de haute qualité. Le pourcentage de déchets changera en fonction des spécifications du client, mais nous pouvons toujours garantir une empreinte CO2 inférieure à 2,3 kg de CO2 par 1 kg d'aluminium produit.
À propos d’Hydro REDUXA : Hydro REDUXA est notre série d'aluminium certifié à faible teneur en carbone. Il est fabriqué avec des énergies renouvelables, ce qui se traduit par une empreinte carbone maximale de 4,0 kg de CO2 par kg d'aluminium, soit un quart de la moyenne mondiale. On obtient un aluminium avec l’une des teneurs en carbone les plus faibles au monde à ce jour.
Publié: mars 17, 2021